tutornya , maaf kalo pake bahasa inggris , ane juga copas cara nya dari mbah google
1. Locate the Windows Menu in the bottom left corner of the task bar.
Select Control Panel from the Menu.
2.Click the System icon to proceed.
3. When System and Security is selected from the Control Panel view, select Security.
Click Device Manager from the left hand menu list.
4. The Device Manager will display all installed and “found” hardware on the computer.
Find the Network Adapters Category and click the "+" to the left.
5. The Network Interface Controller(NIC) will be listed if installed. Right click the adapter used, select Properties
6. Navigate to the Driver tab in the NIC Properties.
7. Selecting the Uninstall button will remove the existing driver from the device manger.
Confirm the Uninstall.
8. Return to the Device Manager, select the Scan for Hardware Changes button. The NIC will reinstall automatically.
GWarnet Rumahanya Ilang gak ?
ReplyIlang bro
ReplyKalau Di Video Tutornya, di HKEY CURRENT USER, SOFWARE, Gak Ada Folder Gemscool Yang Isinya Premium Gimana ?
ReplySS nya coba yang jelas
Replykok di tempat ane gk berfungsi..
Replyne pake windows Xp
Salah tutor mungkin
ReplyMas Bro klo misalnya pc yang terkena blokiran gemscool klo di diemin ajja appa akan hilang dengan sendirinya ??
Replysaya dapat informasi sihh seperti ituu kira kira sekitar seminggu / sebulan , tpii apakah benar ?
Reply--- Info Error ---
Gagal mendownload File info.
Server patch mungkin sedang full.
Silahkan mencoba beberapa saat lagi.
(Error Code:203)
Gagal menerima file untuk menyimpan.
The operation timed out
klo gini gmna ?(operation time out)
ane tetep gabisa gan?
Replykok tetep gak isa ya ?