Mengenal virus komputer

Mengenal virus komputer

Sampai saat ini, "Virus komputer" masih menghantui di dunia komputer. Kerugian yang di sebabkannya tidak bisa dimaafkan lagi. Sudah jutaan korban yang merugi karenanya. Virus komputer sebenarnya bisa diatasi, caranya ialah dengan mengenal terlebih dahulu apa dan siapa dibalik virus tersebut.

Virus komputer adalah suatu program komputer yang menduplikasi atau menggandakan diri dengan menyisipkan kopian atau salinan dirinya ke dalam media penyimpanan / dokumen serta ke dalam jaringan secara diam-diam tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna komputer tersebut, bertujuan untuk emnganngu dan merusak komputer itu sendiri.

Virus yang pertama kali muncul di dunia ini bernama [Elk Cloner] lahir kira-kira tahun 1981 di TEXAS A&M. Menyebar melalui disket Apple II yang ada operating systemnya. Berselang satu tahun muncul virus pertama yang menginfeksi file. Biasanya yang diserang adalah file yang berekstensi *.exe Virus ini bernama [suriv].

Puncak serangan virus terjadi sekitar tahun 1995, yaitu saat virus menyerang perusahaan besar seperti Griffith Air Force Base, Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, IBM dll. Tahun 1995 dijuluki sebagai tahunnya para Hacker dan Cracker.

Pada awalnya virus menyebar melalui disket, namun perkembang teknologi komputer di manfaat kan oleh virus untuk meyebarkan dirinya. Virus mulai menyebarkan dirinya melalui internet. Dan bisa dikatakan internet merupakan sumber terbesar penyebaran virus. Selain itu virus pun bisa menyebarkan diri melalui removable disk seperti flashdisk.

Virus memiliki variasi yang berbeda-beda, diantaranya ialah Worm, Trojan dan Spyware. Ketiganya bisa merusak komputer yang diserangnnya sampai mati total.

Tanda-Tanda Komputer yang terkena serangan Virus Komputer diantaranya :

- Komputer berjalan lambat dari normal
- Sering keluar pesan eror atau aneh-aneh
- Perubahan tampilan pada komputer
- Media penyimpanan seperti disket, flashdisk, dan sebagainya langsung mengkopi file aneh tanpa kita kopi ketika kita hubungkan ke komputer.
- Komputer suka restart sendiri atau crash ketika sedang berjalan.
- Suka muncul pesan atau tulisan aneh
- Komputer hang atau berhenti merespon kita.
- Harddisk tidak bisa diakses
- Printer dan perangkat lain tidak dapat dipakai walaupun tidak ada masalah hardware dan software driver.
- Sering ada menu atau kotak dialog yang error atau rusak.
- Hilangnya beberapa fungsi dasar komputer.
- Komputer berusaha menghubungkan diri dengan internet atau jaringan tanpa kita suruh.
- File yang kita simpan di komputer atau media penyimpanan hilang begitu saja atau disembunyikan virus. dan lain-lain...

Cara yang paling ampuh agar kita tidak terkena virus komputer adalah dengan cara menginstall program komputer yang orisinil atau asli bukan bajakan yang tidak ditunggangi virus dan kawan-kawan, tidak menghubungkan komputer dengan jaringan atau internet, serta tidak pernah membuka atau mengeksekusi file yang berasal dari komputer lain

[-] C3
[-] DONS
Kinjutsu Complete (Taijutsu & Genjutsu only) OFFICIAL..Update 2 May 2012

Kinjutsu Complete (Taijutsu & Genjutsu only) OFFICIAL..Update 2 May 2012

 Kinjutsu : Five Elements Consuming Seal 
Level : 60
CP : 2400
Cooldown : 50

(kinjutsu) Seal the target with 5 elements power, directly remove target's 25% current HP.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Tensai Special Jounin Exams 2011 after completing all parts of
the exams before the deadline given.
notes : 50 turns its like using it once per game or battle Note the damage calculated by 25% hp of teh remaining HP of the target.

info created by Dark Of Ninja Saga
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin Dons

Kinjutsu : Feather Illusion

level : 9
Dmg : 0
Cooldown : 12
CP : 125

(Kinjutsu) A Genjutsu that causes Sleep for 3 turns . Any damage
dealt to the traget will breal the effect.

Rarity : COMMON
Acquired on :Academy train for 200 tokens
notes : This jutsu will break effect if the target will receive any damage.

info created by DONS
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin DONS

Kinjutsu : Cube Illusion

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Form a kekkai around target. Target need to
consume 40% extra CP, and reduce 3% HP and CP when attack
with weapon (4 turns).

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 5 : Emblem Elite)
notes : The Kekkai buff will not be removed. until the target
wil not consume 40% of CP.

info created by DONS
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin DONS

Kinjutsu : Darkness Chain Seal

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Darkness Chain that reduce targets dodge 100% & accuracy by 100% (2 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 11 : Pasukan Kamikaze)
notes : inflict dark seal

info created by DONS
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin DONS

Kinjutsu : Fiery Night Phoenix

Level : 1
Dmg : 164 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Give a fiery punch to target and inflict burning.
(Reduce HP by 3%) (4 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 9 : Zheninjas)
notes : This jutsu has 2x damage . hits 2x .. 164x2 = 328 

Kinjutsu : Serene Mind
Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate target with mirror-like
water so that all attack by target will be
rebounded.(2 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Tensai Jounin Exams 2010 .. after finishing the
hard mode jounin exams. 5 parts this is the reward
notes : you wont get any damage. all damage 
will inflict to the opponent's HP.

 Kinjutsu: Battle Soul Jutsu

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 100
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Use Genjutsu to Boost your fighting spirit.
All attack increased by 5% (10 turns)

Rarity : 5
Acquired on : Scratch Promo

 Kinjutsu : Dynamic Dragon Strike

Level : 1
Dmg : 328 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Create a dragon-shaped air pressure to crash
targe and reduce his attack damage by 98% (4 turns )

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 10 : Emblem Elite)
notes : Weakens the opponent

 Kinjutsu : Shadow of Nightmares

Level : 60 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Incept nightmares to target's mind absorb 25% of target's CP, and inflict chaos
for (2 turns)

Rarity : Ultra Rare
Acquired on : Clan War (Emblem Elite : season 18)
notes : Absorb CP by 25% at the cast of the jutsu instant at your turn

Kinjutsu : Silver Chain Bundle

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Lock target for 4 turns when target HP is below 50%.
Reduce attack damage by 100% when targets HP is 50% above.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 7 : Zheninjas)
notes : Lockis like stun the opponent skip turns. 

 injutsu : Art of Snowman

Level : 1
Dmg : 48
CP : 10
Cooldown : 8

(Kinjutsu) The hot-blooded gingerbrat cannot endure snow!
The art of snowman can freeze him for 4 turns!

Rarity : MEGA Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2010 (NOT RELEASED)
notes : nEffective only for Ginger brat. 

 Kinjutsu : Easter Egg Illusion
Level : 5 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 18

Transform into a Easter Egg - decrease target's rate to critical, dodge, combustion, purify
and reactiive force by 10% (5 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Easter 2011 jutsu Reward)/ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : can be dodge it has no damage so it can be used even the target is on sleep status

Kinjutsu : Meridian Breakthrough

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu)Create a chakra armor that bounces 90% damages back
to the enemy and recover 8% HP. (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 14 : Elite Latina)
notes : Damage rebound but 98% damage done.

Kinjutsu : Pishamen-ryu

Level : 1
Dmg : 164 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) After using this skill on a target, anyone who
attacks the same target within the comming 3 turns can
recover HP. (Amount 60% of damage made)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 6 : Emblem Elite)
notes : Inflicts Blood trap the opponent that is buffed by this skills
will be under blood trap all attacker can gain HP when attaking.
this jutsu has 2x damage 2 hits.

Kinjutsu : Sakura Ryu

Level : 1
Dmg : 328 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Hit target's organs and disable him from healing
himself for 6 turns.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 4 : Zheninjas)
notes : The opponent Cannot heal even using scrolls

Kinjutsu : Yatagarasu

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) The first enemy who attack user after the buff
will receive a random status, include stun,
restrict, meridian seal and sleep. (4 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 8 : Zheninjas)
notes : YATAGARASU .. is .. not effective to pets ... effective only on player & the buff will not fade until a (player) hits the buff user or using calm and Disperse .. to remove the buff .. the yatagarasu will take effect if there's any any force receive even 0 damage or effect projectile effect only this jutsu will activate 

Kinjutsu : Amaterasu
Dmg : 1
Cooldown : 1
Cp : 1
desc : kinjutsu amaterasu ..

-Original Release-
Secret : Amaterasu
Dmg : 9999
Cooldown : 1
CP : 1
Effect : Stun's the Target for 10 turns

Acquired on : Not Available

Kinjutsu : Camouflage Make-up

Level : 60 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Use Camouflage to hide yourself.
remove negative status for once; ignore all attack damages for 3 turns

Rarity : Ultra Rare
Acquired on : Clan War (IAS : Season 16)
notes : Clear debuff at instant only at your turn then protects by 100%
damage reduction 

Kinjutsu : Dark Curse Ceremony

level : 5 
Dmg : 0
Cooldown : 12
Cp : 60

(kinjutsu) Cast a spell on target with the dummy to reduce
target's damage, critical rate & dodge rate by 10% (3 turns)

Acquired on : First Ninja Saga anniversary . Randomly dropped After Defeating the Giant dummy/ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : this kinjutsu is undodgable.

Kinjutsu : Ecstacy of Sound

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate target with ecstatic sound
to restrict target and reduce attack damage by
100% ( 2turns).

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 3 : Zheninjas)
notes : no damage effect hit.

Kinjutsu : Kizui Kimama

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu) Absorb natural energy for faster healing -
Recover 6% HP for the next 5 turns.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Hanami event 2011 (jutsu final reward)/ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : the 5 turns will affect in the next turn. 

Kinjutsu : Muscle Front Beheading

Level : 60
Dmg : 488 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Interrupt enemy's nervous system
which disallow any weapon attack. Also will
use up 300% CP on any Jutsu. (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
notes : the 300% CP usage wont effect on attacking. trippled the jutsu CP usage for 3 turns.

Kinjutsu : Profushion Ghost

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 12

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate the enemy and make them feel
bieng bounded by hundred ghost.( Reduce CP by 55%,
put target's skill into cooldown for 1 turn)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 2 : Zheninjas)
notes : direct effect jutsu can be used even the
opponent is on sleep. 

Kinjutsu : Snowflake Illusion
Level : 1 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Freeze target (1 turn). But if your target is
the hot-blooded Gingerbrat, he will be frozen for 5 turns!

Rarity : Mega Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2010 (NOT RELEASED)
notes : This jutsu is not released 

Kinjutsu : Spirit Touch

Level : 10
CP : 100
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) A genjutsu which fears your enemy and
reduces their damage done by 15% for 5 turns

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : invite friends last 2009 after acquiring 20 invites you can claimthis jutsu
notes : Fear(Weaken) a special buff that other weaken buff cannot affect 

Kinjutsu : Violent Quake Fist

Level : 1
Dmg : 488
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Focus attack your enemy's heart and
remove all positive status effect as well as
reduce his dodge rate by 20% (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 13 : Zheninjas)
notes : inlfict's inertia dodge after disperse.

Kinjutsu : Air Pecker Palm

Level : 1
Dmg : 488 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 5

(Kinjutsu) Directly Attack's target's weak point,
target will receive extra 100% damage in the next

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Emblem Elite : Season 20)
notes : theoretically it bleeds for 1 turn or higher

Kinjutsu : Death Touch Palms

Level : 1
Dmg : 248 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) A technique that attacks meridian to stop CP
flow in the body. Defender cannot use any jutsu and
charge for 2 turns.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 1 : Mahogakure)
notes : this jutsu is 4x hit damage. the opponent
cannot charge or use jutsu. 

Kinjutsu : Detach of Soul

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Absorb target's spirit level,
directly absorb their 20% HP & CP.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
notes : instant Life CP steal.

Kinjutsu : Bunny Girl Transformation

Level : 5 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 18

Transform into a bunny girl - decrease target's rate to critical, dodge, combustion, purify
and reactiive force by 20% (6 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Easter 2011 Special Reward
notes : can be dodge it has no damage so it can be used even the target is on sleep status 

Kinjutsu : Falling Leaf Illusion

Level : 25 
CP : 275
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Calm target and remove all buff from target

Rarity : COMMON
Acquired on : Academy purchase for 400 tokens
notes : Removes all positive buffs not Negative buffs like stun prison burn etc

Kinjutsu : Great Ball of Devil World

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Release a dark kekkai to weaken
enemies' volition. Reduce 35% damage, dodge
and purify chance. (5 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 15 : Elite Latina)

Kinjutsu : Kejsumaru

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Inflict Bloodfeed - recover HP after attack.
(Amount : 110% of the attack damage)(3turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 12 : Zheninjas)
notes : healing 110% attack damage done

 Kinjutsu: Bewitching Eyes Illusion

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 400
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Drag enemy into illusion and frighten him
using the cursed eyes. Enemy's positve status will
be removed and damage made reduced by 40%(2 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Acquired from Payment
* emblem
*7500 Tokens
*2200 Tokens

notes : Disperse and Weaken

 Kinjutsu: Bats Transformation

Level : 1
Dmg : 10
CP : 10
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Transform into a group of bats and gives
stun effect on a target.(2 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Halloween 2011 (jutsu Reward)
Notes : inflict 1 - 2 Turns Stun .. Can be resisted by
World Boss.

 Kinjutsu : Dark Mind Inner Explosion

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 18

(Kinjutsu) Insert fear directly into target's
mind, and turn him into chaos (3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Thanks Giving Fortune Card : November 2011
Notes : inflict Chaos After inflicting 10 Damage for 3 turns. 

 Kinjutsu : Meridian Break Step

Level : 1
Dmg : 648
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(kinjutsu)Focus on target's meridian, and kick
into pressure point rapidly which target disabled
to use jutsu and charge for 2 turns. (using taijutsu
reduce your HP by 5%)

Rarity : Ultra Rare
Acquired on : Clan War (SEason 21 : Jounin Gakure)
notes : o.O like death palm

 Kinjutsu: Meteor Blast

Level : 1
Dmg : 648
CP : 10
Cooldown : 12

(kinjutsu) Immediately reduce target CP by 75% and reduce his attack damage 50%. (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 17 : Latin Blood )
notes : Immediately reduce target cp by 75% (OF THE REMAINING CP)
and weakens all the attack damage of the target by 50% for 5 turns. 75% cp reduction will effect immediately after using the jutsu and successfully hti's the target .. the reduce attack damage is like weaken for 3 turns it can be purified.

 Kinjutsu : Advance Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 2% target HP each turn
(3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu rewrad lv2
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Kinjutsu : Ultimate Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 6% target HP

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu rewrad lv4
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Kinjutsu : Extreme Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 3% target HP each turn
(3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu reward lv3
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Kinjutsu : Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 1% target HP each turn
(5 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu rewrad lv1
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Rey H. Ilangos
Kinjutsu : Paper

Level : 1
Dmg : 10
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Use Chakra to change energy into
physical body, target will not allow to use
any jutsu and reduce 2% HP & CP each turn.
(3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
Notes : Melee type jutsu so it can be dodged.
Effect is like Prison change to
Restriction & 3 turns effect. 

 Kinjutsu : Sake Heihachi

Level : 10
Dmg : 0
CP : 100
Cooldown : 50

(kinjutsu) Increase 25 points damage per attack, the effect will last until the battle is finished

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Ninja Saga 2nd Anniversary badge finalreward
notes : it adds 25 damage (all damage) in other words like adding + 25 Fire stats in the game that stats will not reset until the end of the game. 

 Kinjutsu : Scissor

Level : 80
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Use Chakra to change energy into physical body, target
will receive extra 60% damage. (3turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
notes : ewan ~!! its like a bleeding status to target bleeds 60% for 3 turns

Kinjutsu: Mask of Hell Gate

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate target with ecstatic sound -
decrease target's rate to critical, dodge, combustion,
purify and reactive force by 80% (4 turns).

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 19 : Jounin Gakure )
notes : this jutsu has same effect like Bunny Girl transformation .. but its upgraded to 80% and nerf for 4 turns .

Kinjutsu: Phantom Impulse

Level : 1
Dmg : 10% MAX HP 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Target 10% maximum HP as damage. Damage done not affected by any status; this Jutsu can be dodged.

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Payment Reward jutsu. by purchasing 2200 or 7500 tokens or purchase for 900 tokens in the academy
notes : the damage is depend on the 10% maximum HP fr the target .. example the target has 100 HP so it will be damaged by 10.

Kinjutsu: Phantom Impulse

Level : 1
Dmg : 10% MAX HP 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Target 10% maximum HP as damage. Damage done not affected by any status; this Jutsu can be dodged.

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Payment Reward jutsu. by purchasing 2200 or 7500 tokens or purchase for 900 tokens in the academy
notes : the damage is depend on the 10% maximum HP fr the target .. example the target has 100 HP so it will be damaged by 10.

Kinjutsu : Three Rods Of Dark Pillars

Level : 20
CP : 308
Cooldown : 14

Penetrate dark chakra pillars into target - disable targeet from using
any jutsu and charge (2 turns )

Rarity : super Rare
Acquired on : Easter 2011 Gashapon Mystery price ./ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : Thisjutsu is like the season 1 death touch palms effect
the opponent cannot use jutsu or charge for 2 turns 

Kinjutsu : Ame no Futodama

Level : 1
Cp : 308
Cooldown : 14

Summon Ame no Futodama To Absorb Everything. All enemy's CP Reduce 75%

Kinjutsu : Yato

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Use Black feathers to create an Illusion
zone to give mental attack. This will remove all
positive status effect as well as reduce his dodge
rate by 60% (3 turns)

Rarity : 5
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
Notes : Disperse + inertia Dodge by 60%

Kinjutsu : Tenson Omi Gongen

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Legendary Genjutsu, Summon Tenson
Omi Gongen for a team protection. The team
recover 850 HP every turn and will not be affected
by any negative stats (3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Upgrade of Tenson Omi Korin for 500 tokens
notes : Heal 850 HP and purify per turn

Kinjutsu : Tenson Omi Korin

Level : 1
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Legendary Genjutsu, summon
Tenson Omi Korin for a team protection.
The team recover 500 HP every turn and
will not be affected by any negative status
(2 turns)

Rarity : rare
Acquired on : Payment 2200 or 7500 or emblem token purchase
notes : its like regeneration. Before Upgrade TOG ( Tenson Omi Gongen )

Kinjutsu : Mushin Kiten Jutsu (Genjutsu) 
Level : 1
CP : 200
Dammage : 0
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Erase Enemy Self Conscious And militant.
Enemy's Positive Status will Be removed ; And stun 1 turn

Rarity : - (Don't Know)