Kinjutsu Complete (Taijutsu & Genjutsu only) OFFICIAL..Update 15 May 2012

 Kinjutsu : Five Elements Consuming Seal 
Level : 60
CP : 2400
Cooldown : 50

(kinjutsu) Seal the target with 5 elements power, directly remove target's 25% current HP.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Tensai Special Jounin Exams 2011 after completing all parts of
the exams before the deadline given.
notes : 50 turns its like using it once per game or battle Note the damage calculated by 25% hp of teh remaining HP of the target.

info created by Dark Of Ninja Saga
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin Dons

Kinjutsu : Feather Illusion

level : 9
Dmg : 0
Cooldown : 12
CP : 125

(Kinjutsu) A Genjutsu that causes Sleep for 3 turns . Any damage
dealt to the traget will breal the effect.

Rarity : COMMON
Acquired on :Academy train for 200 tokens
notes : This jutsu will break effect if the target will receive any damage.

info created by DONS
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin DONS
Kinjutsu : Cube Illusion

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Form a kekkai around target. Target need to
consume 40% extra CP, and reduce 3% HP and CP when attack
with weapon (4 turns).

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 5 : Emblem Elite)
notes : The Kekkai buff will not be removed. until the target
wil not consume 40% of CP.

info created by DONS
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin DONS
Kinjutsu : Darkness Chain Seal

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Darkness Chain that reduce targets dodge 100% & accuracy by 100% (2 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 11 : Pasukan Kamikaze)
notes : inflict dark seal

info created by DONS
*Dilarang mengcopy file ini tanpa seizin DONS
Kinjutsu : Fiery Night Phoenix

Level : 1
Dmg : 164 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Give a fiery punch to target and inflict burning.
(Reduce HP by 3%) (4 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 9 : Zheninjas)
notes : This jutsu has 2x damage . hits 2x .. 164x2 = 328 
Kinjutsu : Serene Mind
Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate target with mirror-like
water so that all attack by target will be
rebounded.(2 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Tensai Jounin Exams 2010 .. after finishing the
hard mode jounin exams. 5 parts this is the reward
notes : you wont get any damage. all damage 
will inflict to the opponent's HP.
 Kinjutsu: Battle Soul Jutsu

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 100
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Use Genjutsu to Boost your fighting spirit.
All attack increased by 5% (10 turns)

Rarity : 5
Acquired on : Scratch Promo

 Kinjutsu : Dynamic Dragon Strike

Level : 1
Dmg : 328 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Create a dragon-shaped air pressure to crash
targe and reduce his attack damage by 98% (4 turns )

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 10 : Emblem Elite)
notes : Weakens the opponent

 Kinjutsu : Shadow of Nightmares

Level : 60 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Incept nightmares to target's mind absorb 25% of target's CP, and inflict chaos
for (2 turns)

Rarity : Ultra Rare
Acquired on : Clan War (Emblem Elite : season 18)
notes : Absorb CP by 25% at the cast of the jutsu instant at your turn

Kinjutsu : Silver Chain Bundle

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Lock target for 4 turns when target HP is below 50%.
Reduce attack damage by 100% when targets HP is 50% above.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 7 : Zheninjas)
notes : Lockis like stun the opponent skip turns. 

 injutsu : Art of Snowman

Level : 1
Dmg : 48
CP : 10
Cooldown : 8

(Kinjutsu) The hot-blooded gingerbrat cannot endure snow!
The art of snowman can freeze him for 4 turns!

Rarity : MEGA Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2010 (NOT RELEASED)
notes : nEffective only for Ginger brat. 

 Kinjutsu : Easter Egg Illusion
Level : 5 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 18

Transform into a Easter Egg - decrease target's rate to critical, dodge, combustion, purify
and reactiive force by 10% (5 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Easter 2011 jutsu Reward)/ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : can be dodge it has no damage so it can be used even the target is on sleep status

Kinjutsu : Meridian Breakthrough

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu)Create a chakra armor that bounces 90% damages back
to the enemy and recover 8% HP. (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 14 : Elite Latina)
notes : Damage rebound but 98% damage done.

Kinjutsu : Pishamen-ryu

Level : 1
Dmg : 164 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) After using this skill on a target, anyone who
attacks the same target within the comming 3 turns can
recover HP. (Amount 60% of damage made)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 6 : Emblem Elite)
notes : Inflicts Blood trap the opponent that is buffed by this skills
will be under blood trap all attacker can gain HP when attaking.
this jutsu has 2x damage 2 hits.

Kinjutsu : Sakura Ryu

Level : 1
Dmg : 328 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Hit target's organs and disable him from healing
himself for 6 turns.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (season 4 : Zheninjas)
notes : The opponent Cannot heal even using scrolls

Kinjutsu : Yatagarasu

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) The first enemy who attack user after the buff
will receive a random status, include stun,
restrict, meridian seal and sleep. (4 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 8 : Zheninjas)
notes : YATAGARASU .. is .. not effective to pets ... effective only on player & the buff will not fade until a (player) hits the buff user or using calm and Disperse .. to remove the buff .. the yatagarasu will take effect if there's any any force receive even 0 damage or effect projectile effect only this jutsu will activate 

Kinjutsu : Amaterasu
Dmg : 1
Cooldown : 1
Cp : 1
desc : kinjutsu amaterasu ..

-Original Release-
Secret : Amaterasu
Dmg : 9999
Cooldown : 1
CP : 1
Effect : Stun's the Target for 10 turns

Acquired on : Not Available

Kinjutsu : Camouflage Make-up

Level : 60 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Use Camouflage to hide yourself.
remove negative status for once; ignore all attack damages for 3 turns

Rarity : Ultra Rare
Acquired on : Clan War (IAS : Season 16)
notes : Clear debuff at instant only at your turn then protects by 100%
damage reduction 

Kinjutsu : Dark Curse Ceremony

level : 5 
Dmg : 0
Cooldown : 12
Cp : 60

(kinjutsu) Cast a spell on target with the dummy to reduce
target's damage, critical rate & dodge rate by 10% (3 turns)

Acquired on : First Ninja Saga anniversary . Randomly dropped After Defeating the Giant dummy/ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : this kinjutsu is undodgable.

Kinjutsu : Ecstacy of Sound

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate target with ecstatic sound
to restrict target and reduce attack damage by
100% ( 2turns).

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 3 : Zheninjas)
notes : no damage effect hit.

Kinjutsu : Kizui Kimama

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu) Absorb natural energy for faster healing -
Recover 6% HP for the next 5 turns.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Hanami event 2011 (jutsu final reward)/ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : the 5 turns will affect in the next turn. 

Kinjutsu : Muscle Front Beheading

Level : 60
Dmg : 488 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Interrupt enemy's nervous system
which disallow any weapon attack. Also will
use up 300% CP on any Jutsu. (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
notes : the 300% CP usage wont effect on attacking. trippled the jutsu CP usage for 3 turns.

Kinjutsu : Profushion Ghost

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 12

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate the enemy and make them feel
bieng bounded by hundred ghost.( Reduce CP by 55%,
put target's skill into cooldown for 1 turn)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 2 : Zheninjas)
notes : direct effect jutsu can be used even the
opponent is on sleep. 

Kinjutsu : Snowflake Illusion
Level : 1 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Freeze target (1 turn). But if your target is
the hot-blooded Gingerbrat, he will be frozen for 5 turns!

Rarity : Mega Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2010 (NOT RELEASED)
notes : This jutsu is not released 

Kinjutsu : Spirit Touch

Level : 10
CP : 100
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) A genjutsu which fears your enemy and
reduces their damage done by 15% for 5 turns

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : invite friends last 2009 after acquiring 20 invites you can claimthis jutsu
notes : Fear(Weaken) a special buff that other weaken buff cannot affect 

Kinjutsu : Violent Quake Fist

Level : 1
Dmg : 488
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Focus attack your enemy's heart and
remove all positive status effect as well as
reduce his dodge rate by 20% (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 13 : Zheninjas)
notes : inlfict's inertia dodge after disperse.

Kinjutsu : Air Pecker Palm

Level : 1
Dmg : 488 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 5

(Kinjutsu) Directly Attack's target's weak point,
target will receive extra 100% damage in the next

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Emblem Elite : Season 20)
notes : theoretically it bleeds for 1 turn or higher

Kinjutsu : Death Touch Palms

Level : 1
Dmg : 248 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) A technique that attacks meridian to stop CP
flow in the body. Defender cannot use any jutsu and
charge for 2 turns.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 1 : Mahogakure)
notes : this jutsu is 4x hit damage. the opponent
cannot charge or use jutsu. 

Kinjutsu : Detach of Soul

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Absorb target's spirit level,
directly absorb their 20% HP & CP.

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
notes : instant Life CP steal.

Kinjutsu : Bunny Girl Transformation

Level : 5 
CP : 200
Cooldown : 18

Transform into a bunny girl - decrease target's rate to critical, dodge, combustion, purify
and reactiive force by 20% (6 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Easter 2011 Special Reward
notes : can be dodge it has no damage so it can be used even the target is on sleep status 

Kinjutsu : Falling Leaf Illusion

Level : 25 
CP : 275
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Calm target and remove all buff from target

Rarity : COMMON
Acquired on : Academy purchase for 400 tokens
notes : Removes all positive buffs not Negative buffs like stun prison burn etc

Kinjutsu : Great Ball of Devil World

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Release a dark kekkai to weaken
enemies' volition. Reduce 35% damage, dodge
and purify chance. (5 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 15 : Elite Latina)

Kinjutsu : Kejsumaru

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Inflict Bloodfeed - recover HP after attack.
(Amount : 110% of the attack damage)(3turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 12 : Zheninjas)
notes : healing 110% attack damage done

 Kinjutsu: Bewitching Eyes Illusion

Level : 1
Dmg : 0 
CP : 400
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Drag enemy into illusion and frighten him
using the cursed eyes. Enemy's positve status will
be removed and damage made reduced by 40%(2 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Acquired from Payment
* emblem
*7500 Tokens
*2200 Tokens

notes : Disperse and Weaken

 Kinjutsu: Bats Transformation

Level : 1
Dmg : 10
CP : 10
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Transform into a group of bats and gives
stun effect on a target.(2 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Halloween 2011 (jutsu Reward)
Notes : inflict 1 - 2 Turns Stun .. Can be resisted by
World Boss.

 Kinjutsu : Dark Mind Inner Explosion

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 18

(Kinjutsu) Insert fear directly into target's
mind, and turn him into chaos (3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Thanks Giving Fortune Card : November 2011
Notes : inflict Chaos After inflicting 10 Damage for 3 turns. 

 Kinjutsu : Meridian Break Step

Level : 1
Dmg : 648
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(kinjutsu)Focus on target's meridian, and kick
into pressure point rapidly which target disabled
to use jutsu and charge for 2 turns. (using taijutsu
reduce your HP by 5%)

Rarity : Ultra Rare
Acquired on : Clan War (SEason 21 : Jounin Gakure)
notes : o.O like death palm

 Kinjutsu: Meteor Blast

Level : 1
Dmg : 648
CP : 10
Cooldown : 12

(kinjutsu) Immediately reduce target CP by 75% and reduce his attack damage 50%. (3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 17 : Latin Blood )
notes : Immediately reduce target cp by 75% (OF THE REMAINING CP)
and weakens all the attack damage of the target by 50% for 5 turns. 75% cp reduction will effect immediately after using the jutsu and successfully hti's the target .. the reduce attack damage is like weaken for 3 turns it can be purified.

 Kinjutsu : Advance Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 2% target HP each turn
(3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu rewrad lv2
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Kinjutsu : Ultimate Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 6% target HP

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu rewrad lv4
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Kinjutsu : Extreme Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 3% target HP each turn
(3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu reward lv3
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Kinjutsu : Pandora Box

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 16

(Kinjutsu)The LEgendary PAndora Box return! Reduce 1% target HP each turn
(5 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Xmass 2011 , Santa Claus's Quest jutsu rewrad lv1
notes : the buff will effect at the next turn ..

 Rey H. Ilangos
Kinjutsu : Paper

Level : 1
Dmg : 10
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Use Chakra to change energy into
physical body, target will not allow to use
any jutsu and reduce 2% HP & CP each turn.
(3 turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
Notes : Melee type jutsu so it can be dodged.
Effect is like Prison change to
Restriction & 3 turns effect. 

 Kinjutsu : Sake Heihachi

Level : 10
Dmg : 0
CP : 100
Cooldown : 50

(kinjutsu) Increase 25 points damage per attack, the effect will last until the battle is finished

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Ninja Saga 2nd Anniversary badge finalreward
notes : it adds 25 damage (all damage) in other words like adding + 25 Fire stats in the game that stats will not reset until the end of the game. 

 Kinjutsu : Scissor

Level : 80
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Use Chakra to change energy into physical body, target
will receive extra 60% damage. (3turns)

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
notes : ewan ~!! its like a bleeding status to target bleeds 60% for 3 turns

Kinjutsu: Mask of Hell Gate

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Hallucinate target with ecstatic sound -
decrease target's rate to critical, dodge, combustion,
purify and reactive force by 80% (4 turns).

Rarity : Super Rare
Acquired on : Clan Reward (Season 19 : Jounin Gakure )
notes : this jutsu has same effect like Bunny Girl transformation .. but its upgraded to 80% and nerf for 4 turns .

Kinjutsu: Phantom Impulse

Level : 1
Dmg : 10% MAX HP 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Target 10% maximum HP as damage. Damage done not affected by any status; this Jutsu can be dodged.

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Payment Reward jutsu. by purchasing 2200 or 7500 tokens or purchase for 900 tokens in the academy
notes : the damage is depend on the 10% maximum HP fr the target .. example the target has 100 HP so it will be damaged by 10.

Kinjutsu: Phantom Impulse

Level : 1
Dmg : 10% MAX HP 
CP : 10
Cooldown : 10

(Kinjutsu) Target 10% maximum HP as damage. Damage done not affected by any status; this Jutsu can be dodged.

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Payment Reward jutsu. by purchasing 2200 or 7500 tokens or purchase for 900 tokens in the academy
notes : the damage is depend on the 10% maximum HP fr the target .. example the target has 100 HP so it will be damaged by 10.

Kinjutsu : Three Rods Of Dark Pillars

Level : 20
CP : 308
Cooldown : 14

Penetrate dark chakra pillars into target - disable targeet from using
any jutsu and charge (2 turns )

Rarity : super Rare
Acquired on : Easter 2011 Gashapon Mystery price ./ Fortune Cookie 2012
notes : Thisjutsu is like the season 1 death touch palms effect
the opponent cannot use jutsu or charge for 2 turns 

Kinjutsu : Ame no Futodama

Level : 1
Cp : 308
Cooldown : 14

Summon Ame no Futodama To Absorb Everything. All enemy's CP Reduce 75%

Kinjutsu : Yato

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Use Black feathers to create an Illusion
zone to give mental attack. This will remove all
positive status effect as well as reduce his dodge
rate by 60% (3 turns)

Rarity : 5
Acquired on : Clan Reward (NOT CLAIMED YET)
Notes : Disperse + inertia Dodge by 60%

Kinjutsu : Tenson Omi Gongen

Level : 1
Dmg : 0
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Legendary Genjutsu, Summon Tenson
Omi Gongen for a team protection. The team
recover 850 HP every turn and will not be affected
by any negative stats (3 turns)

Rarity : Rare
Acquired on : Upgrade of Tenson Omi Korin for 500 tokens
notes : Heal 850 HP and purify per turn

Kinjutsu : Tenson Omi Korin

Level : 1
CP : 200
Cooldown : 14

(kinjutsu) Legendary Genjutsu, summon
Tenson Omi Korin for a team protection.
The team recover 500 HP every turn and
will not be affected by any negative status
(2 turns)

Rarity : rare
Acquired on : Payment 2200 or 7500 or emblem token purchase
notes : its like regeneration. Before Upgrade TOG ( Tenson Omi Gongen )

Kinjutsu : Mushin Kiten Jutsu (Genjutsu) 
Level : 1
CP : 200
Dammage : 0
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu) Erase Enemy Self Conscious And militant.
Enemy's Positive Status will Be removed ; And stun 1 turn

Rarity : - (Don't Know)

Kinjutsu : Andrenaline Burst

Level : 20
Dmg : 0
CP : 300
Cooldown : 14

(Kinjutsu)Use Large Amount of Chakra
to increase Body speed.
Increase agility by 100% . (2 turns)

Rarity : ???
Acquired on : ???
notes : ???

Kinjutsu : ?????

Level : ??
Dmg : ???
CP : ??
Cooldown : ??

(Kinjutsu) ????

Rarity : ???
Acquired on : ???
notes : Unknown

CREATED BY : DONS (Putra Dirgantara)

