Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
1. Buff
Efek yang berpengaruh dalam menambah status target ke-arah yang positif. atau membuat suatu karakter menjadi lebih kuat di satu sisi, Evasion, Hidden Among Rock, atau Water Renewal adalah jurus yang memberikan buff pada target.
2. Debuff
Efek yang berpengaruh dalam menambah status target ke-arah yang negatif. atau membuat suatu karakter menjadi lebih lemah di satu sisi, Fat Woman Transormation, Sexy Girl Transormation, dan Feather Illusion adalah jurus yang memberikan debuff pada target.
3. AoE
Atau Area Of Effect, efek yang dapat mempengaruhi lebih dari satu target, AoE positif mempengaruhi seluruh rekan setim, sedangkan AoE negatif mempengaruhi seluruh rekan tim lawan.
4. simbol adalah efek yang hanya ditimbulkan oleh Jurus Talent.
Basic Effect
Basic Effect adalah efek dasar yang biasanya muncul secara alami ketika kita menginvestasikan sekurang-kurangnya satu point di satu elemen tertentu, setiap satu poin yang anda investasikan menambah 0,4% kesempatan munculnya Basic Effect tersebut.
keadaan dimana target mampu melakukan serangan dengan damage 30% lebih banyak dari serangan normal, didapat dengan menginvestasikan sedikitnya satu poin stat di elemen Api.
Critical Strike!
keadaan dimana target mampu melakukan serangan kritikal dengan damage 150% lebih banyak dari serangan normal, didapat dengan menginvestasikan sedikitnya satu poin stat di elemen Listrik, atau memasang jurus Lightning Charge.
Reactive Force
keadaan dimana target mampu mengembalikan 30% damage yang diberikan kepada lawan itu sendiri, didapat dengan menginvestasikan sedikitnya satu poin stat di elemen Tanah.
keadaan dimana target mampu menyembuhkan seluruh efek debuff yang ada pada target, didapat dengan menginvestasikan sedikitnya satu poin stat di elemen Air, atau memasang jurus Embrace Of Golem.
keadaan dimana target mampu menghindari serangan lawan yang diberikan secara utuh, didapat dengan menginvestasikan sedikitnya satu poin stat di elemen Angin, atau memasang jurus Evasion.
keadaan dimana akurasi lawan naik sebanyak x% (masih diperdebatkan, soalnya susah juga jelasinnya gimana)
keadaan dimana target mampu mengkonversi xx% damage yang dihasilkan menjadi HP.
-Jurus Rock Shade pet Inokuchi the Pig.
-Weapon dari senjata Military Ginkotsu Saw.
menaikkan critical chance target selama X turn
-Jurus Lightning Charge
CP Consumption (-)
mengurangi konsumsi chakra target ketika menggunakan jurus selama X turn.
jurus White Sky Star pet Kumayoshi the Teddy Bear
CP Shield
target akan menerima damage kepada CP-nya, bukan HP secara biasa untuk X turn (Rasio 1 CP : 2 HP)
-Jurus Shield Of Suiten
Damage Absorption
Target akan mengkonversi XX% Damage yang diterima menjadi HP selama X Turn
-Jurus Secret : Wondrous Doors
kesempatan Target untuk Combustion, Critical Chance, Reactive Force, Purify dan Dodge sebanyak 4% untuk 2 turn.
target dapat menggunakan skill tanpa kehilangan CP sama sekali untuk X turn, meskipun begitu, target tidak akan bisa melakukan recharge CP untuk X turn.
-Jurus Fire Energy Excitation
Extreme Mode
Damage skill Taijutsu target dalam buff Extreme Mode akan meningkat sebanyak X% untuk X turn, meskipun begitu, Target akan terkena debuff Internal Injury untuk X turn.
-Jurus Talent ; Eight Extrimities
Kesempatan Target untuk menghindari serangan lawan meningkat X% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Evasion
sama seperti efek Rigid, tapi dengan success rate X% dan mengurangi damage yang diterima sebanyak 100%
-Jurus Dummy Block Pet Zoshi the Dummy
Ignore Dodge
mengabaikan dodge rate lawan sebanyak X% (penjelasan teoritikal, Dodge Rate lawan adalah 40%, tapi ketika Ignore Dodge 20% aktif, maka target pemasang Ignore Dodge akan mengabaikan 20% Dodge Rate lawan, sehingga Dodge Rate lawan yang tersisa adalah 20%)
Lightning Armor
Damage, Akurasi, dan Critical Chance target akan bertambah sebanyak X% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Armor of Narukami
Menaikkan Dodge Chance target sebanyak X% dan menambah X% CP setiap turn untuk X turn, karena ini AoE buff, maka efek ini mempengaruhi rekan tim anda.
-Jurus Wind Peace
Powerful Charge
Target akan menerima 10% Chakra Tambahan ketika melakukan Recharge CP
Jurus Blue Ocean Star Pet Kumayoshi The Teddy Bear.
menaikkan kekuatan serangan target sebanyak X% dan mengembalikan damage yang diberikan lawan untuk x turn.
-Rage Of Yama
Rapid Cooldown
mengurangi jumlah cooldown satu/beberapa jurus sebanyak 4 turn terkecuali jurus yang menghasilkan Rapid Cooldown itu sendiri.
-Dance Of Fujin
setiap permulaan turn target, target akan secara otomatis mendapatkan X% CP untuk X turn.
-Jurus Water Renewal
HP Target akan disembuhkan kembali sebanyak X HP
-Jurus Refresh Lv 1, Lv 2, Lv 3, Lv 4, Lv 5, Lv 6, Lv 7, Lv 8 dan Lv 9
HP Target akan bertambah sebanyak X% dari seluruh HP yang ada untuk X Turn. Target juga menjadi kebal terhadap semua efek debuff yang diberikan musuh (Purify).
-Jurus Embrace of Golem
sama seperti Rapid Cooldown hanya mempercepat 1 cooldown dari semestinya 4, tidak efektif untuk skill talent.
-Weapon Soul Spear Matsukaze (Senjata Runner-Up Reward : Zheninjas)
keadaan dimana Target mampu menangkal efek stun dari lawan.
Target akan menerima damage X% lebih sedikit dari serangan normal.
-Jurus Golem Protection
-Jurus Master Protect! Pet Suki The Pig
Serene Mind
Target dalam efek ini mampu mengembalikan seluruh damage yang diberikan lawan sebanyak X Turn. terkecuali efek burn, poison, dan debuff pengurang HP lainnya.
-Jurus Serene Mind
-Jurus Mirror Of Moon pet Easa the Rabbit.
Target tidak akan menerima Damage ketika dalam keadaan Stealth untuk 1 turn, dan menambah 75% damage serangan yang dihasilkan untuk 1 turn berikutnya.
-Jurus Hidden Among Rocks
seluruh damage target akan bertambah sebanyak X% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Fire Power
mengembalikan CP sesudah terjadi pengurangan HP untuk 2 turn, jumlah 10% dari total HP yang hilang.
-Jurus Bunny Gift pet Easter bunny
Titan Mode
Target dalam Titan Mode dapat memberikan damage tambahan dengan men-summon Titan dengan X Damage selama X Turn, Titan Mode tidak akan bekerja bila Target tidak melakukan serangan.
-Jurus Talent : Mirror Of Strength
Target yang terkena debuff ini akan kehilangan X% dari CPnya, CP yang hilang tersebut diberikan kepada pemasang jurus.
-Jurus Earth Absorbtion
Target yang terkena debuff ini tidak akan bisa memakai jurus ataupun melakukan serangan biasa untuk X turn.
-Jurus Talent : Burial Dead Bone
efek ini sama dengan efek debuff Burn ataupun Poison, target akan kehilangan X% HP untuk X turn.
-Jurus Talent : Mirror Of Passion
Target yang terkena debuff ini akan menerima damage X% lebih besar untuk X Turn berikutnya.
-Jurus Blade Of Wind
-Jurus Wind Edge Chop
-Jurus Moon Cleave
-Jurus Wind Blade Extension
Target yang terkena efek ini akan kehilangan akurasi menyerang sebanyak X% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Lightning Flash
-Jurus Fart Pet Eriko the Dog
ketika Target terkena efek ini, 15% dari damage yang diterima berubah menjadi HP untuk pemasang jurus.
-Jurus Secret : Pishamen-Ryu
efek ini sama dengan efek debuff Poison ataupun Blaze, target akan kehilangan X% HP untuk X turn.
-Jurus Hellfire
-Jurus Hehe! My Cake Pet Kisuke the Pumpkin Head
-Jurus Fire Ball Pet Tomaru the Snake
-Jurus Fiery Flame Pet Keiko the Frog
target yang terkena efek ini akan kehilangan seluruh efek buff yang sedang aktif.
-Jurus Falling Leaf Illusion
efek ini sama dengan efek Numb, target akan kehilangan dodge rate sebanyak X% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Pasif Secret : Hidden Capture
target yang terkena efek ini akan melakukan serangan senjata, skip turn ataupun recharging secara random.
-Jurus Talent : Mirror Of Grace
Charge Disable
user tak bisa melakukan Recharging CP untuk X Turn disebabkan user menggunakan jurus Talent : Meridian Anesthesia
Target yang terkena efek ini akan kehilangan dodge rate sebanyak X% dan kehilangan X% CP selama X Turn
-Jurus Lightning Flash Bundle
Cooldown + X
Target yang terkena efek ini akan mendapati salahsatu jurusnya masuk masa cooldown, lama cooldown tergantung level jurus tersebut.
-Jurus Talent : Demon Song - Fantasia
CP Cost (+)
setiap jutsu reguler yang dipakai oleh Target akan memakai CP 2x lipat ketika terkena efek ini, berlaku untuk X Turn.
-Jurus Talent : Ultimate Dance
Dark Curse
Target yang terkena efek ini akan kehilangan 10% Damage, Critical dan Dodge Chance untuk 3 turn.
-Jurus Dark Curse Ceremony
target akan kehilangan X% kesempatan untuk Combustion, Critical Chance, Reactive Force, Purify dan Dodge untuk X turn.
Efek ini sama dengan efek Calm
-Jurus Talent : Meridian Destruction
Target yang terkena efek ini akan kehilangan X% Critical Chance untuk X Turn.
-Jurus Talent : Demon Song - Phantom Wave
Earth Feint
Target yang terkena efek ini akan menerima X% damage yang lebih besar dari elemen tanah untuk X Turn
-Jurus Talent : Secret - Lava Shield
kurang lebih sama dengan efek Restrict, namun untuk efek ini, damage lawan direduksi hingga 100% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Ecstasy Of Sound
-Jurus Ecstasy Transformation Pet Suzu the Cat.
Expose Defense
sama dengan efek Bleeding, target akan menerima damage X% lebih besar di turn selanjutnya.
-Jurus Talent : One Sword Samurai
Fear (Weaken)
kekuatan serangan target akan berkurang X% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Spirit Touch
-Jurus Dark Touch pet Tomaru the Snake
Fire Feint
Target yang terkena efek ini akan menerima X% damage yang lebih besar dari elemen api untuk X Turn.
-Jurus Talent : Secret - Lava Shield
kekuatan serangan kritikal target berkurang untuk X% selama X turn.
Target hanya akan menerima 70% dari damage yang semestinya, namun Target tidak akan bisa bergerak selama X Turn.
-Jurus Secret : Snowman Breaker Tanks pet Yukidaruma the Snowman
Target yang terkena efek ini akan berkurang dodge ratenya untuk X% selama X turn.
-Jurus Flash Combat Pet Chiko the Bird.
-Jurus Where's My Head Kisuke The Pumpkin Pet.
Internal Injury
Target yang terkena efek ini tidak akan bisa melakukan penambahan HP untuk X Turn.
-Jurus Sakura-Ryu
-Jurus Talent : Extreme Mode
mengurangi HP dan CP 3% ketika melakukan normal attack (Weapon) dan mengkonsumsi 40% CP ketika mengeluarkan jutsu selama 3 Turn
Jurus Secret : Cube Illusion
Meridian Cut-Off
Target yang terkena efek ini hanya bisa merecharge CP sebanyak X% untuk X Turn.
-Jurus Talent : Needle Barrage
sama dengan efek Stun
-Jurus Silver Chain Bundle
Meridian Seals
Target yang terkena efek ini takkan bisa melakukan apa-apa untuk 2 turn.
-Jurus Death Touch Palm
efek ini sama dengan efek Capture, target akan kehilangan dodge rate sebanyak X% untuk X turn.
-Jurus Talent : One Sword Samurai
Oblivion (1)
Target yang terkena efek ini akan kehilangan 40% CP yang dimiliki.
-Jurus Profusion Of Ghost
Oblivion (2)
Target yang terkena efek ini akan mendapati salah satu jurusnya menjadi masuk mode cooldown selama 4 turn.
-Jurus Shackles Of Heart Pet Yamaru the Bat.
Target tidak akan menerima damage sedikitpun (kecuali damage over time seperti Burn, Poison, dll) tapi Target tidak akan bisa bergerak selama X Turn.
Jurus Secret : Kiss Of Serpent
efek ini sama dengan efek Blaze dan Burn, target akan kehilangan X% HP untuk X turn.
-Jurus Poison Gas Pet Leiko the Snake
-Jurus Hehe! My Cake Pet Kisuke The Pumpkin
Target yang terkena efek ini takkan bisa bergerak untuk 2 turn, dan kehilangan HP dan CP sebanyak 2%
-Jurus Prison Colliding Wave
Target yang terkena efek ini takkan bisa melakukan serangan jutsu, hanya serangan senjata, charge, dan memakai scroll.
-Jurus Water Bundle
Target yang terkena efek ini akan menerima damage 3x lipat khusus untuk serangan Talent Hidden Silhouette
untuk 3 turn.
-Jurus Talent : Hidden Silhouette
Target yang terkena efek ini akan tertidur untuk 3 turn, efek ini bisa hilang apabila target diserang sedikitnya 1 HP.
-Jurus Feather Illusion
Target yang terkena efek ini takkan bisa bergerak untuk 1 Turn.
-Jurus Sexy Girl Transformation
-Jurus Fat Woman Transformation
-Jurus Earth Strangle
-Jurus Lightning Shock
-Taijutsu Head Kick -dan lain lain, karena stun adalah debuff paling umum.
In English
1. BuffEffects affecting the status of the target in the increase of the positive direction. or create a character to be stronger on one side, Evasion, Hidden Among Rock, or Water Renewal is a step that gives buff to the target.
2. DebuffEffects affecting the status of the target in the increase of the negative direction. or create a character to be weaker on one side, Transormation Fat Woman, Sexy Girl Transormation, and Feather Illusion is the step that gives debuff on the target.
3. AOEOr Area Of Effect, an effect that could affect more than one target, AoE positively affect
all teammates, while negatively affecting the entire peer AOE opposing team.
4. symbol is the only effect caused by Kick Talent.
Basic Effect
Basic Effect is the basic effects that usually comes naturally when we invest at least one point on one particular element, each of the points you invest adds 0.4% chance of the emergence of the Basic Effect.
circumstances where the target is able to attack with 30% more damage than normal attacks, obtained by investing at least one stat points in the element of Fire.
Critical Strike!
circumstances where the target is able to do critical attack with 150% more damage than normal attacks, obtained by investing at least one element of stat points in electricity, or install Lightning Charge stance.
Reactive Force
circumstances where the target is able to restore 30% damage given to opponent itself, obtained by investing at least one element in the Land of stat points.
circumstances where the target is able to heal the whole effect of the existing debuff on the target, obtained by investing at least one stat points in the element of Water, or install stance Embrace Of Golem.
circumstances in which the target can avoid the opponent's attack is given as a whole, obtained by investing at least one stat points in Wind element, or put Evasion tactics.
ircumstances where accuracy versus increase by 1%
circumstances where the target is able to convert the resulting xx% damage to HP.Shade-Rock Kick the pet Inokuchi Pig.Military weapons, Weapon of Ginkotsu Saw.
Concentrationchance to raise critical target for X turnLightning Kick-Charge
Consumption CP (-)reduce consumption when using jutsu chakra target for X turn.White Sky Star pet tricks Kumayoshi the Teddy Bear
CP Shieldtarget will take damage to its CP, HP is not unusual for X-turn (CP ratio of 1: 2 HP)-
Concentrationchance to raise critical target for X turnLightning Kick-Charge
Consumption CP (-)reduce consumption when using jutsu chakra target for X turn.White Sky Star pet tricks Kumayoshi the Teddy Bear
CP Shieldtarget will take damage to its CP, HP is not unusual for X-turn (CP ratio of 1: 2 HP)-
Kick Shield Of Suiten
Damage AbsorptionTarget will convert the received XX% Damage to HP for X TurnKick-Secret: Wondrous Doors
EnergizeTarget opportunities for Combustion, Critical Chance, Reactive Force, Purify and Dodge as much as 4% for the second turn.
Excitationtarget can use the skill without losing the CP at all for X turn, however, the target will not be able to recharge CP for X turn.Fire Kick Energy-excitation
Extreme ModeTaijutsu damage of the target in the buff Extreme Mode will increase by X% for X turn, however, Target will be exposed to X debuff Internal Injury turn.Kick-Talent: Eight Extrimities
FlexibilityTarget opportunities to avoid the opponent's attack increased X% for X turn.Kick-
GuardRigid same effect, but the success rate of X% and reduces damage received as much as 100%-Kick the Dummy Dummy Block Pet Zoshi
Ignore Dodgeignore the opponent's dodge rate as much as X% (theoretical explanation, Dodge Rate opponent is 40%, but when Ignore Dodge 20% off, the target advertiser will ignore Ignore Dodge Dodge Rate 20% opposed, so the opponent is left Dodge Rate is 20%)
GuardRigid same effect, but the success rate of X% and reduces damage received as much as 100%-Kick the Dummy Dummy Block Pet Zoshi
Ignore Dodgeignore the opponent's dodge rate as much as X% (theoretical explanation, Dodge Rate opponent is 40%, but when Ignore Dodge 20% off, the target advertiser will ignore Ignore Dodge Dodge Rate 20% opposed, so the opponent is left Dodge Rate is 20%)
Lightning Armor
Damage, Accuracy, and Critical Chance target will increase by X% for X turn.Kick-Armor of Narukami
PeaceDodge Chance raising target by X% and X% increase CP each turn to X turn, because this AoE buff, then this effect affects your teammates.Wind Kick-Peace
Powerful ChargeTarget will receive a 10% Extra when doing Recharge Chakra CPKick Blue Ocean Star Pet Kumayoshi The Teddy Bear.
Rageincrease the strength of the attack target by X% and restore damage to the opponent given x turn.Rage Of Yama-
Powerful ChargeTarget will receive a 10% Extra when doing Recharge Chakra CPKick Blue Ocean Star Pet Kumayoshi The Teddy Bear.
Rageincrease the strength of the attack target by X% and restore damage to the opponent given x turn.Rage Of Yama-
Rapid Cooldownreduce the amount of cooldown one / a few moments as much as 4 turn step that generates the exception of Rapid Cooldown itself.-Dance Of Fujin
Recoverybeginning of each turn target, the target will automatically get X% CP for X turn.Kick-Water Renewal
RefreshHP Targets will be healed back as much as X HPKick-Refresh Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8 and Level 9
RegenerationTarget HP will increase by X% of all existing HP for X Turn. Target also become immune to all effects a given enemy debuff (Purify).Kick-Embrace of Golem
Rewindsame as Rapid Cooldown only supposed to speed up a cooldown of 4, is not effective for skill talent.Soul-Spear Weapon Matsukaze (Runner-Up Weapons Reward: Zheninjas)
Resistedcircumstances in which the target can ward off the effects of the stun opponents.
Rigid / ProtectionTarget will receive X% less damage than normal attacks.Kick-Protection
GolemProtect-Master Kick! Suki The Pet Pig
Serene MindTarget is in effect able to restore all damage given the opponent as much as X Turn.exception of the effects of burn, poison, and other HP-reducing debuff.Kick-Serene MindMoon-Kick Mirror Of Easa pet the Rabbit.
StealthTarget will not receive any damage when in a state of Stealth for the first turn, and adds 75% damage attack for 1 turn generated the next.-Kick Hidden Among Rocks
Strengthenall damage target will increase by X% for X turn.Fire Power-Kick
StubbornCP returns after a reduction in HP for 2 turn, 10% of the total amount of lost HP.Kick-
StealthTarget will not receive any damage when in a state of Stealth for the first turn, and adds 75% damage attack for 1 turn generated the next.-Kick Hidden Among Rocks
Strengthenall damage target will increase by X% for X turn.Fire Power-Kick
StubbornCP returns after a reduction in HP for 2 turn, 10% of the total amount of lost HP.Kick-
Easter Bunny Gift pet bunny
Titan ModeTarget in Titan Mode can provide additional damage to summon Titan with X for X Turn Damage, Titan Mode will not work if the target is not an attack.Kick-Talent: Mirror Of Strength
AbsorptionTargets affected by this debuff will lose X% of CPnya, CP loss is attributed to the installer moves.Kick-Earth Absorbtion
BarrierAffected by debuff the target will not be able to use jutsu or do a regular attack for X turn.Kick-Talent: Burial Dead Bone
Blazethis effect is the same as the Burn debuff or Poison effect, targets will lose X% HP for X turn.Kick-Talent: Mirror Of Passion
BleedingTargets affected by this debuff will receive X% more damage for the next X Turn.-Kick Blade Of WindWind-Edge Chop KickMoon-Kick CleaveKick-Wind Blade Extension
BlindTargets affected by this attack will lose accuracy as much as X% for X turn.Lightning-Flash KickEriko Pet-Kick the Dog Fart
Bloodtrapwhen the target hit by this effect, 15% of damage received turned to HP for fixing tactics.Kick-Secret: Pishamen-Ryu
Burnthis effect is the same as the effect of Poison debuff or Blaze, the target will lose X% HP for X turn.Kick-HellfireKick-Hehe! My Cake Pet Kisuke the Pumpkin HeadFire-Ball Kick Tomaru the Pet Snake-Kick the Fiery Flame Keiko Pet Frog
Calmtarget affected by this effect will lose all buff effects are active.Falling Leaf Kick-Illusion
Capturethis effect is the same as the effect of Numb, dodge rate target will lose as much as X% for X turn.Passive-Secret Jutsu: Hidden Capture
Chaostarget affected by this effect will make a weapon attack, skip a turn or recharging at random.Kick-Talent: Mirror Of Grace
Disable ChargeRecharging user can not perform due to CP for X Turn user using tactics Talent: Meridian Anesthesia
ConductionTargets affected by this effect will lose as much as X% dodge rate and loss of X% for X CP TurnKick-Lightning-Flash Bundle
Cooldown + XTargets affected by this effect will have one of the main entrance jurusnya cooldown period, long cooldown depending on the level of the moment.Talent-Jutsu: Demon Song - Fantasia
CP Cost (+)any regular jutsu used by Target will use 2X CP when exposed to this effect, valid for X Turn.Kick-Talent: Ultimate Dance
Dark CurseTargets affected by this effect will lose 10% Damage, Critical and Dodge Chance for 3 turn.Kick-Curse Dark Ceremony
Disorientedtarget will lose X% chance to Combustion, Critical Chance, Reactive Force, Purify and Dodge for X turn.
DisperseThis effect is similar to the effects of CalmKick-Talent: Meridian Destruction
DistractTargets affected by this effect will lose X% Critical Chance for X Turn.Talent-Jutsu: Demon Song - Phantom Wave
Earth FeintTargets affected by this effect will receive X% damage greater than the earth element for X TurnKick-Talent: Secret - Lava Shield
Ecstasyapproximately equal to Restrict effects, but for this effect, damage is reduced to 100% opposed to X turn.Kick-Ecstasy Of SoundEcstasy-Transformation Kick the Cat Pet Suzu.
Expose DefenseBleeding similar to the effect, the target will receive X% more damage on the next turn.Kick-Talent: One Samurai Sword
Fear (Weaken)target attack power will be reduced X% for X turn.Spirit Kick-TouchKick-Dark Touch the Snake pet Tomaru
Feint FireTargets affected by this effect will receive X% damage greater than for X Turn the fire element.Kick-Talent: Secret - Lava Shield
Hamstringtarget critical attack power is reduced to X% for X turn.
FrozenTarget will only receive 70% of the damage that it should be, but Target will not be able to move for X Turn.Kick-Secret: Snowman Breaker Tanks pet Yukidaruma the Snowman
InertiaTargets affected by this effect will be reduced to dodge rate is X% for X turn.Kick Flash-Combat Pet Chiko the Bird.-Where's My Head Kick Kisuke The Pumpkin Pet.
Internal InjuryTarget not affected by this effect will be adding HP to X Turn.Kick-Ryu-SakuraKick-Talent: Extreme Mode
KekkaiHP and CP decrease of 3% when doing normal attack (Weapon) and consumes 40% CP when removing jutsu for 3 TurnSecret Jutsu: Cube Illusion
Meridian Cut-OffTargets affected by this effect can only be merecharge CP as much as X% for X Turn.Talent-Jutsu: Needle Barrage
Locksimilar to Stun effectsKick-Chain Silver Bundle
Meridian SealsTargets affected by this effect can not do anything for the second turn.Kick-Death Touch Palm
NumbThis is the same effect Capture effect, dodge rate target will lose as much as X% for X turn.Kick-Talent: One Samurai Sword
Oblivion (1)Targets affected by this effect will lose 40% owned by CP.Kick-Profusion Of Ghost
Oblivion (2)Targets affected by this effect will have one jurusnya be entered for 4 turn cooldown mode.Kick-Shackles Of Heart Pet Yamaru the Bat.
PetrifyTarget will not receive any damage at all (unless the damage over time such as Burn, Poison, etc.) but Target will not be able to move for X Turn.Secret Jutsu: Kiss Of Serpent
Poisonthis effect is the same as the effect of Blaze and Burn, the target will lose X% HP for X turn.Kick-Pet Poison Gas Leiko the SnakeKick-Hehe! My Pet Kisuke The Pumpkin Cake
PrisonTargets affected by this effect would not be able to move to second turn, and the loss of HP and CP as much as 2%Kick-Wave colliding Prison
RestrictedTargets affected by this effect will not be able to do jutsu attacks, only offensive weapon, charge, and use the scroll.Water Bundle-Kick
SilhouetteTargets affected by this effect will receive a 3x damage for the attack Silhouette Hidden Talentfor the third turn.Kick-Talent: Hidden Silhouette
SleepTargets affected by this effect will be asleep for the third turn, this effect can be lost if the targets attacked by at least 1 HP.-Feather Illusion Jutsu
StunTargets affected by this effect would not be able to move to 1 Turn.Kick-Sexy Girl TransformationTransformation Kick-Fat WomanStrangle Jutsu Earth-Shock-Lightning KickKick-Taijutsu-Head and others, because the stun is the most common debuff.
Titan ModeTarget in Titan Mode can provide additional damage to summon Titan with X for X Turn Damage, Titan Mode will not work if the target is not an attack.Kick-Talent: Mirror Of Strength
AbsorptionTargets affected by this debuff will lose X% of CPnya, CP loss is attributed to the installer moves.Kick-Earth Absorbtion
BarrierAffected by debuff the target will not be able to use jutsu or do a regular attack for X turn.Kick-Talent: Burial Dead Bone
Blazethis effect is the same as the Burn debuff or Poison effect, targets will lose X% HP for X turn.Kick-Talent: Mirror Of Passion
BleedingTargets affected by this debuff will receive X% more damage for the next X Turn.-Kick Blade Of WindWind-Edge Chop KickMoon-Kick CleaveKick-Wind Blade Extension
BlindTargets affected by this attack will lose accuracy as much as X% for X turn.Lightning-Flash KickEriko Pet-Kick the Dog Fart
Bloodtrapwhen the target hit by this effect, 15% of damage received turned to HP for fixing tactics.Kick-Secret: Pishamen-Ryu
Burnthis effect is the same as the effect of Poison debuff or Blaze, the target will lose X% HP for X turn.Kick-HellfireKick-Hehe! My Cake Pet Kisuke the Pumpkin HeadFire-Ball Kick Tomaru the Pet Snake-Kick the Fiery Flame Keiko Pet Frog
Calmtarget affected by this effect will lose all buff effects are active.Falling Leaf Kick-Illusion
Capturethis effect is the same as the effect of Numb, dodge rate target will lose as much as X% for X turn.Passive-Secret Jutsu: Hidden Capture
Chaostarget affected by this effect will make a weapon attack, skip a turn or recharging at random.Kick-Talent: Mirror Of Grace
Disable ChargeRecharging user can not perform due to CP for X Turn user using tactics Talent: Meridian Anesthesia
ConductionTargets affected by this effect will lose as much as X% dodge rate and loss of X% for X CP TurnKick-Lightning-Flash Bundle
Cooldown + XTargets affected by this effect will have one of the main entrance jurusnya cooldown period, long cooldown depending on the level of the moment.Talent-Jutsu: Demon Song - Fantasia
CP Cost (+)any regular jutsu used by Target will use 2X CP when exposed to this effect, valid for X Turn.Kick-Talent: Ultimate Dance
Dark CurseTargets affected by this effect will lose 10% Damage, Critical and Dodge Chance for 3 turn.Kick-Curse Dark Ceremony
Disorientedtarget will lose X% chance to Combustion, Critical Chance, Reactive Force, Purify and Dodge for X turn.
DisperseThis effect is similar to the effects of CalmKick-Talent: Meridian Destruction
DistractTargets affected by this effect will lose X% Critical Chance for X Turn.Talent-Jutsu: Demon Song - Phantom Wave
Earth FeintTargets affected by this effect will receive X% damage greater than the earth element for X TurnKick-Talent: Secret - Lava Shield
Ecstasyapproximately equal to Restrict effects, but for this effect, damage is reduced to 100% opposed to X turn.Kick-Ecstasy Of SoundEcstasy-Transformation Kick the Cat Pet Suzu.
Expose DefenseBleeding similar to the effect, the target will receive X% more damage on the next turn.Kick-Talent: One Samurai Sword
Fear (Weaken)target attack power will be reduced X% for X turn.Spirit Kick-TouchKick-Dark Touch the Snake pet Tomaru
Feint FireTargets affected by this effect will receive X% damage greater than for X Turn the fire element.Kick-Talent: Secret - Lava Shield
Hamstringtarget critical attack power is reduced to X% for X turn.
FrozenTarget will only receive 70% of the damage that it should be, but Target will not be able to move for X Turn.Kick-Secret: Snowman Breaker Tanks pet Yukidaruma the Snowman
InertiaTargets affected by this effect will be reduced to dodge rate is X% for X turn.Kick Flash-Combat Pet Chiko the Bird.-Where's My Head Kick Kisuke The Pumpkin Pet.
Internal InjuryTarget not affected by this effect will be adding HP to X Turn.Kick-Ryu-SakuraKick-Talent: Extreme Mode
KekkaiHP and CP decrease of 3% when doing normal attack (Weapon) and consumes 40% CP when removing jutsu for 3 TurnSecret Jutsu: Cube Illusion
Meridian Cut-OffTargets affected by this effect can only be merecharge CP as much as X% for X Turn.Talent-Jutsu: Needle Barrage
Locksimilar to Stun effectsKick-Chain Silver Bundle
Meridian SealsTargets affected by this effect can not do anything for the second turn.Kick-Death Touch Palm
NumbThis is the same effect Capture effect, dodge rate target will lose as much as X% for X turn.Kick-Talent: One Samurai Sword
Oblivion (1)Targets affected by this effect will lose 40% owned by CP.Kick-Profusion Of Ghost
Oblivion (2)Targets affected by this effect will have one jurusnya be entered for 4 turn cooldown mode.Kick-Shackles Of Heart Pet Yamaru the Bat.
PetrifyTarget will not receive any damage at all (unless the damage over time such as Burn, Poison, etc.) but Target will not be able to move for X Turn.Secret Jutsu: Kiss Of Serpent
Poisonthis effect is the same as the effect of Blaze and Burn, the target will lose X% HP for X turn.Kick-Pet Poison Gas Leiko the SnakeKick-Hehe! My Pet Kisuke The Pumpkin Cake
PrisonTargets affected by this effect would not be able to move to second turn, and the loss of HP and CP as much as 2%Kick-Wave colliding Prison
RestrictedTargets affected by this effect will not be able to do jutsu attacks, only offensive weapon, charge, and use the scroll.Water Bundle-Kick
SilhouetteTargets affected by this effect will receive a 3x damage for the attack Silhouette Hidden Talentfor the third turn.Kick-Talent: Hidden Silhouette
SleepTargets affected by this effect will be asleep for the third turn, this effect can be lost if the targets attacked by at least 1 HP.-Feather Illusion Jutsu
StunTargets affected by this effect would not be able to move to 1 Turn.Kick-Sexy Girl TransformationTransformation Kick-Fat WomanStrangle Jutsu Earth-Shock-Lightning KickKick-Taijutsu-Head and others, because the stun is the most common debuff.